Get hired at a
top company
from anywhere
Notch connects top tech talent with the best remote jobs at fast-growing startups - create your profile to start getting exciting, high-paying opportunities delivered.
Join NowWe've worked with 100+ fast growing companies from startups to scaleups
Fast track your career from anywhere
Whatever you’re looking for in your next career move our automated platform finds long-term remote opportunities that are the right fit for your
skills, experience, interests, work style, career goals and much more - and make it faster than ever to land the job.
Faster Offers
Get matched with jobs where you can fast track through the hiring process and go straight to final interviews.
Vetted Jobs
Explore roles with VC backed startups from early-stage to unicorn that have high pay, great teams, and product fit.
Better Experience
Work as a remote full-time employee or contractor - enjoying all the benefits and growth you’d expect as an in-house hire.
Land a job at a startup where you can grow your career and skills
Companies you’ll find hiring on our platform typically are well-funded, fast-growing, and built and backed by technology leaders - and always remote-first. Work for one of the fast growing companies anywhere, from anywhere.
Access exclusive full-time, long-term opportunities
Roles in over 100+ skills covering every major tech stack
Work on exciting products with a strong userbase

Get fast tracked for roles that fit exactly what you’re looking for
When you apply through us, you stand out from the rest by having your profile recommended directly to companies that trust our talent, moving you straight to final interviews and getting the offer faster - and our intelligent matching ensure you only spend time on roles that fit your salary, hours, seniority, and job preferences.
Receive fast track job matches and apply in a click
No more job searching, recruiter calls, or endless applications
Every role meets or exceeds your expected salary

Work the way you want earning what you deserve
Working remotely shouldn’t mean having to give up any of your career goals or growth opportunities, but most platforms don’t provide the same experience that you’d get working in-house. With us, you decide whether you’d like to get hired directly or through our platform, work as a contractor or employee, and have the opportunity to enjoy benefits, equity, and career advancement.
Complete free for developers - keep 100% of earnings
Only get matched with jobs that fit the way you work
Automate your invoicing and payments

Create your better profile
Notch developer profiles let you stand out within our platform and anywhere else you share
your profile. Highlight your skills, seniority, performance, experience, and expertise.

How to get Started
Effortlessly make your
next career move
Developers around the world love us
I’m proud to work with Notch. Working with them means flexibility and challenging and rewarding opportunities. As a Notch developer I can expand my career working with powerful companies to fulfill their needs. It’s not only my job, it’s my life. It’s not only a company, it’s a community.